Shop Talk: The Story Behind the RMF Name, and it’s North and South Store Locations

Shop Talk: The Story Behind the RMF Name, and it’s North and South Store Locations

The two questions that we constantly get asked when people walk in our stores is, how did you come up with the name River Mint Finery and how did you end up having stores in Atlanta and Kingston, NY.

Let’s start with the name, River Mint Finery.

It all starts with our love of flowing water, rocks, and growing up around nature. We both have been heavily influenced and spent our childhoods very close to rivers.

The River Mint is actually a river in Cumbria, England where Cindy’s family spent a lot of time in the early days. Family heirlooms and gifts from Cindy’s grandmother always inspired an appreciation for the rich architecture, intricate antiques and beautiful jewelry of historic England. Kat spent a large portion of her childhood at “the river” which referred to the St. Lawrence River on the border of NY and Canada and was heavily influenced by the same tranquil landscape. Together, we continue to draw inspiration from the beauty of historic river towns and with that inspiration comes an element of calm, textural minimalism that is reflected in our store design and product assortment.

We wanted to come up with something that spoke on many levels, felt personal to each of us, and our customers. We wanted the name to evoke the feeling of nature, reflect beauty, and femininity. If we could achieve that and have it be memorable, success…

Secondly from conception, our store would always have a large center table layered with jewelry crafted by Cindy and her mother as well as a finely curated selection of makers and designers that seemed to almost be passed down for generations. The word “mint”, a nod to history, metals and of course the color; reflects old coins and the art of casting metal in contrast to the soft hue which carries a certain level of sophistication in decorative arts and fashion.

Finally, the word “finery” simply stated ornament or decoration especially dressy clothing and jewels. We definitely stand behind the slow fashion movement designing, creating, and buying products for quality and longevity. It is more sustainable, makes life easier, and you can bring items into your home that you know have been made well, thought over, and are meant to last.

So how did we end up with stores in Atlanta and Kingston, NY?

The opportunity to open a store in the historic Peachtree Battle neighborhood in Atlanta came in 2015 while Cindy was working at her jewelry design studio – Avindy. The landlord had a spot open up in one of Atlanta’s most historic and beautiful neighborhoods and thought it would be a great opportunity to put a jewelry / lifestyle shop. At the time, Kat was working with Cindy on product development and one conversation led to another and Kat joined Cindy and her mom in the launch of a new store concept which would eventually be called River Mint Finery.

River Mint Finery is inspired by mothers and daughters and the products they share together. A mix of clothing, jewelry, and personal accessories, the store experience is about bold femininity, approachable and quiet luxury, catering to a home curated with artful items with old world charm. We aim to capture a diverse customer that is independent and isn’t afraid to spoil herself or someone else.

Our vision for the brand evolved and soared over the first few years and we knew we were bringing customers a special shopping experience and product assortment that they were not finding elsewhere. Kat based in the Hudson Valley, made frequent whirlwind trips to the store in Atlanta for creative planning, merchandising, events and team meetings. But, it was really Cindy’s trips to upstate NY where we could quietly evaluate the business and our next strategic steps. We drew so much inspiration from the natural and historic beauty of the Hudson Valley, we knew quickly that an RMF belonged in one of the river towns. We spent a year or so looking for the right spot, finally landing the retail spot in the 3rd Hotel Kinsley building sweeping the Stockade District.

Customers walk in and are in awe of the simplistic beauty of the space, the unusually wonderful scents, easy to wear apparel, and intricately handmade jewelry. River Mint Finery is infused with a heritage of women past and present. When we consider what River Mint Finery is, we think first of the women around us. Strong, loving women, more admired and spirited as they grew older. How they express themselves, today and tomorrow.

xx. Kat & Cindy